TV Swap Rewire

Ted noticed Kathy’s Facebook wall post thanking me for getting all of the wires connected to the TV. (She thanked me on her wall vs. mine.) So then Ted emails me…

“What kind of TV hook-ups did you have to make? Did you get a new TV?”

And I’m answering on my blog. Roundabout communications.

We moved the big flat panel downstairs and moved the smaller (older) flat panel back upstairs. After having it for a year, we decided it was too big for our living room. (Always liked how mom and dad never had a TV in the family room…. at least I got the size down.)

We bought a new TV stand for the basement, since it would not fit in the entertainment center Kathy finished (see: Big Voice and the Music Crack – 1997). I had to hook the big TV up to the DVD/VCR player + JVC surround sound thing + PlayStation2. Kathy’s post was thanking me for getting it all hooked up so she could record American Idol when teaching Edge at the church.

Danny had figured all of this out last year, but he was not very useful trying to help me with a remote phone call. I still don’t have it all hooked up the best way because we have to use the channel 3 method of playing through the DVD/VCR. But it got Kathy through this week.

One thought on “TV Swap Rewire

  1. I am now on Facebook, but I don’t have anything interesting on there, yet. Not completely sure how it works, but have communicated with Jami and a friend from B’ham.

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