You’ve heard of handwriting… One morning at track practice, Kelly noticed the field was covered with dew. She walked out and scooted her feet in the grass to write. She then went up in the stands and snapped a photo with her cell phone. Since Verizon wants to charge you 50 cents to e-mail pictures, they do not make it easy to get your photo out of the phone for free. (I dislike Verizon as much as Comcast because of these kinds of fees.) So I took a picture of Kelly’s phone. Her coach saw her do all of this. He thinks she is a nut, but in a good way of course.
(Take that Verizon!)
Ha ha! Good for you, Jeb. I dislike Verizon because
they messed up my credit check when I flirted with
switching to them. (Their mistake, their loss.)