Brats and Bananas

dc-camping-list.jpgDanny is working hard for Grant this summer, and last week’s 95+ temperatures made it tougher. Over the weekend he went camping at the lake with two of his buddies for some well deserved R&R.

The Civic was covered with dust and bird poop from the work site. It also had plenty of mud on the floor from his boots. I asked him how could he track so much mud in the car when it has been so hot and dry. He explained that they are constantly washing things off and down around the site, so there is plenty of mud.

I decided to wash the car and vacuum it out Saturday night while the temperature was in the 80’s instead of 90’s. Found this crumpled receipt on the floor. “Hey Andrew… pass me a Beer Brat and a Banana.”

See also: the Economic Stimulus message at the bottom of the receipt.

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