Go Get The Paper (The Video)

PiZZaZZ ShortZ! presents “Go Get The Paper.”

Some background on the film follows:

With her film partner out of state at a track meet in Disney, Claire had to bring in the farm team of Dad, Clyde, and Stout. She put together a very nice film which goes so smoothly, you might not realize that:

The film is put together with a series of different shots and angles. Clyde, Stout, and I would have to restart several times as Claire changed angles. Clyde was an especially good sport carrying around the paper longer than he would normally have to. (But he really does enjoy bringing in the paper, so maybe it was a plus.)

Claire put together a peppy music track using Garage Band. It helps create a blend between scenes as well as sets a pace. The final photo sequence is timed to the beat of the music.

You may think the voice over is just her talking as she holds the camera, but her comments were added as a second sound track (second to the music) during editing. The quality and timing is much better this way. I think her comments and their timing make the film that much more enjoyable.

By the way, this happened to be Saturday morning after a little snow blizzard. It was chilly. Monday through Friday, Kathy actually makes the coffee, and when I go help get the paper, I’m in business clothes.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a 3.5 minute video worth? Not sure… but here’s a thousand words I wrote about this earlier. Go Get The Paper (The Text).

3 thoughts on “Go Get The Paper (The Video)

  1. I thought this had to be a fictional movie because Jeb wouldn’t actually make coffee. I’m glad it was explained later. I like the freeze shots of the dogs at the end. I definitely noticed the different camera shots, like when the camera person (I thought it was Kelly) was in the kitchen, then the hallway, then the end of the driveway. I wonder if we’ll have a lot better quality movies in a few years as all the people who learned iMovie as kids grow up and become directors.

  2. Very good video, Claire. I would love to see all of that happen, but a movie gives me a good idea. I didn’t know Kelly was at Disney. Is she back now?

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