All the Kids in the Nest

Danny called Wednesday morning with bad news. Instead of being underway home for Thanksgiving, he had just been in an accident. Looking to buy gas for the trip, he crossed under a bridge between two access roads. Trying to see the gas price just ahead, he did not see the red light. He entered the intersection as an SUV came from the left. Both drivers veered to avoid each other, but the back wheel well of the SUV grabbed the front bumper, ripped it off, and spun Danny to the right.

The SUV was going about 40 mph and fortunately Danny, having just turned from a previous red light was only going about 20 mph. Any faster, and Danny could have been broadsided on the drivers side. So for that we’re thankful.

After managing a police report, dealing with the insurance company, and getting the Jeep towed, Danny hopped on a Greyhound bus. Nicole came in from Athens later that evening, so all of the family piled into the van and drove down to the airport (also a busport) and picked Danny up about 11:30 pm.

As we turned in about 12:30 a.m., I said to Kathy, “It’s good to have all the kids back in the nest.”

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One thought on “All the Kids in the Nest

  1. After two repair shops looked at the Cherokee, we decided it was not worth repairing. The frame was too damaged. Danny made an appointment with a salvage yard and picked up a $500 check and the license plate (which we have to turn into the DMV.)

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