Big Brother’s Home For The Summer

The recording: Listen

The transcript:


D = 18, K = 13

You have two old messages.

Old message.

One. Wednesday. 5:50 pm.

K: Can you tell mom to come pick me up?

D: No.

K: Why?

D: You can just walk home. Bye.

K: What?

D: You can just walk home.

K: But we don’t have the key.

D: To what?

K: Mom took the key with her so we can’t get out.

D: Well just… well does someone else have the… well tell the lifeguard you want to get out then just walk home.

K: Why can’t mom take me home?

D: She’s painting.

K: What?

D: She’s painting.

K: Ugh…. bye.

D: Bye


K: I’m not coming home.

D: What?


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