Claire Mows Yard

MCC Mows Yard.jpgEarlier in the summer, Mary Claire asked if she could mow the yard when Danny left for college. I told her I thought that would be fine, and we even had a training session where she mowed the top part of the back yard. She learned how to open the shed, back out the mower, check for gas, adjust the wheel height, prime the engine, and start it.

I also showed her how the blade worked under the deck so she had a sense of what was spinning under there. Before actually mowing, she wanted to practice without the engine running. That was a pretty good idea. She “mowed” several rows, practicing how to turn the mower. Finally she started it up with only three pulls, and mowed the practice session. She put the mower back up, and ran in to report to her Mom what she had done. That was several weeks ago.

With Danny off to Spring Hill, Claire mowed the entire front and back this weekend. She really did a very good job and earned full pay. Grandaddy and Mr. Pink both reviewed her work and were impressed. Grandaddy wants to know if she will learn to edge.

One thought on “Claire Mows Yard

  1. We just got our first Netflex movie that was “Million Dollar Baby”. I can just see Claire training to be a boxer, but I certainly hope she will not choose that profession. It was a good movie, but very sad.

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