…Sometimes I forget I have a camera. Here is a funny picture from the tour. Have you heard of South of the Border? It is 0.1 mile south of the North Carolina border, in South Carolina. There are billboards for it that stretch 40 miles before you get there. You may have, it is 40 years old and one of the silliest places I have ever been.
*see hippo attached to e-mail.
When I was 32 years old I was driving home and saw all these signs advertising “South of the Border”. I said to my self, “Self that’s got to be the silliest place in the country, I’m not wasting my money on it.” Little did I realize that 40 years later my smart and beautiful grandaughter would stop there. Good picture, cute girl!
Nicole, did you hit your head on that hippo’s tooth? Tell me you didn’t hit your head. You did didn’t you?