Baby Turtle in Pond

A few years ago I spotted a baby turtle swimming in our backyard pond when mowing the yard. I never saw it again, and certain members of the family thought I was seeing things. I spotted another one in the pond while working in the yard this weekend. This time Stout and I were able to take some photographs. Kelly also witnessed the find.

I suspect the one I saw before was eaten by a bullfrog. We no longer tolerate bullfrog tenants, so maybe this little turtle (which could be a baby snapper Yellow Bellied Slider!) will survive longer. We also no longer have goldfish, so the pond is now a wild free-for-all. No bullfrogs invited, though.

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Kelly’s theory is that the minows and lake water she and Claire brought to the pond (to eat mosquitos and bugs) earlier in the year may have included a turtle egg. Maybe so. He does have little webbed feet and is an excellent swimmer.

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