Two Altar Servers

kec-mcc-altar-serve.JPGKelly and Claire went through altar server training and assisted in their first mass on November 27th. There was much discussion and concern about the three different duties: bell ringer, book handler, and cross bearer. Claire set up a pretend altar at home and had me play the priest so she could get the timing of the bells down. The trickiest is the first, single ring as the priest extends his hands over the gifts. This is a relatively new ring for our parish, having traditionally had the two 3-bells.

The more experienced altar server took on book duty. Claire ended up being the cross bearer, and Kelly handled the bells. Because it was the start of advent, there was a little change in sequences, so the time for ringing the 1-bell came early, but Kelly did some quick thinking and handled it smoothly.

Both girls did very well, and sat very still. Claire managed to only wiggle her feet a few times, which was probably only noticeable to her dad.

I accidentally took a flash picture of the altar at the beginning of mass. (I had turned off the flash, but when the camera powered itself down and I had to turn it on again, the flash reset.) Father Bill noticed and said something to Kathy later, but I am not going to be ex-communicated.

Bill Marten announced that this was the two girls first mass and they got a round of applause

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