Litho, Bio, Hydro, and Atmo

So just remember these four spheres

Litho, Bio, Hydro, and Atmo

Then you’ll be smartest of all your peers

And you’ll make all A’s yo


With her newest song, Science Rap, kel.e.bee continues with her quest to take the next generation of School House Rappers to infinity and beyond. This young Garage Band master exploded on the scene with Modernize Me and Monsta Beats and caught the ear of industry insiders with her short experimental 80’s Jungle. With her latest release, she has solidified her mission to leave no child behind, proving that music can have greater impact on education than any amount of compassionate-conservative taxes.

Science Rap by kel.e.bee

Stonegate Records (c) 2005

The earth, it has 4 spheres

Together they’ll interact

Now listen ya’ll with yo ears

As I tell you a few little facts

I will always love the Lithosphere

Cuz you know, it really rocks

3150 miles from here

Is the inner core, a giant, round, firebox

Somewhere over 5432 degrees Fahrenheit

The core is a lot of lava

Then above it is the mantle, its tight

We’re 30 to 2,900 kilometers under Georgia

I really feel the pressure

As the pressure’s at roughly 140 gigapascals

Yo, I read this in a brochure

Now the crust is after the mantle

It’s the outer layer of land on the planet

Yeah, I’m talking bout the crust

It’s composed of mostly basalt and granite

Now’s the time to go to the bathroom if you must.

(Instrumental break)

We’re movin on to the biosphere

If it’s here, it’s alive

All those really awesome ecosystems, you’ll find em’ here

The only one I really hate is the *bzzbzz* beehive

Yo the biosphere, this orb really really old

5 major extinctions, through-out 3.8 billion years

And there is tons of places where you can discover mold

Now I think you’re ready for the hydrosphere

Now who wants to go swimming in some water

Cuz the hydrosphere’s like a giant pool

Goes 12-47-7 feet and deeper

And it covers 77% of the surface, isn’t this cool

Under ground water, oceans, lakes, in-land seas

Rivers and ponds’ uh dew on trees? NO

Only 1/4400 of the mass of the planet, man, that’s hardly a sneeze

So don’t argue man, don’t say a word, ‘cept ‘diddo’

It’s about time now, for the atmosphere

Where the Nitrogen is always high with a 79

Oxygen stays at 20% here

The 1% is other, and it’s lookin fine

Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Aurora

These are the layers of the atmosphere

These are the only ones I can rememba

We’re almost done so give a cheer, loud and clear

(loud cheer)

Do you remember what I said

At the beginning of this rhyme

About those spheres to which this whole thing lead

I’m gonna tell you bout sphere interaction and *ding ding* it time

Today, I have an example set

The spheres will interact with a cat’o’9

Getting water from the Hydrosphere, an area permanently wet

And bein in the biosphere because it’s alive

Well, of course, it lives on land

So it interacts with lithosphere

And it gets carbon and give atmosphere a hand

When it produces oxygen, now isn’t that sincere

So you see how the spheres will interact

You see how it happens every day

Although it may be hard to track

That is all I have to say

So just remember these four spheres

Litho, Bio, Hydro, and Atmo

Then you’ll be smartest of all your peers

And you’ll make all A’s yo

(Editors note: This cracked up kel.e.bee’s science teacher. Needless to say, she got an A… yo.)

2 thoughts on “Litho, Bio, Hydro, and Atmo

  1. When I downloaded it, I just got a little over a minute. It’s pretty funny. During the instrumental part I think it would be nice to have some kind of breakdown where you pick some word like “granite” and skip it back on itself like “g-g-granite granite gran-gran-gran-gran-granite”

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