Sail to Nassau (Day 3)

07312005 Pic 133Things did not go as planned for Day 3, but we ended up having a lot of fun. Over night we had sailed from the west side, across the north, and then to the east side of the Bahamas. A strong wind coming from the unusual direction of the east was cooking up some big waves. The Legacy is a very stable ship, so we did not really notice the waves until the launches were put in the water. The crew on board bobbed up and down on the 10 foot waves. There was no way for them to tie up to the side and allow us to safely board for a day on Hoffman’s Cay.

The Captain then ordered a series of elaborate steps involving both a fore and aft anchor to try to position the ship broadside against the wind in an attempt to create a “calm side” for the launches. It took about an hour to get the ship and launches in place. It helped, but the waves still tore at the launches, and some of us were afraid the cleats would be ripped off. The Captain said it was a “no go.” Watching the crew hoist up the launches with the rocking waves was an impressive display. They had to wear special safety gear and take a series of very carefully planned steps to get the ropes and pulleys attached.

07312005 Pic 137That meant a day of sailing on to Nassau, where we would have arrived late that night. It was disappointing not to get to go to Hoffman’s Cay, but in hindsight, it was nice to have a day of sailing that was otherwise not on the schedule.

Img 2319-1I declared it a double-dabloon day for the Stonegate Cashin’s. (Our normal ration was one dabloon per.) Translate: More money for the bar. We relaxed on board. Some read. Danny napped. The girls became gymnasts and hair stylists. Kathy and I attended a very interesting photography class. We pulled into Nassau as sunset approached. The crab races and Carnival celebration were just as fun docked in Nassau as they would have been under sail (as originally intended.)

When the Captain and Strokey showed up in their Carnival garb, we had another one of those “well this is different” moments. One of many on this trip.


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