Day 5 at Egg Island was a lot of fun. We woke up already anchored. Everyone who dared, was allowed to jump ship. Nicole and Kathy chose to remain top side watching, but the rest of us jumped, flipped, or dove. A big barracuda parked himself under the ship and would swim in and out of the sunlight. The waters seemed to only be about 25 feet deep. Kathy threw a mask down, and we took turns looking at him. I dove down to get a closer look. He looked about 5 feet long and had a pretty scary looking mouth.
Later we took a launch over to Egg Island. The snorkeling was good. We swam with schools of larger fish than what we had seen at Gun Cay. Lunch was served on the beach, and there was a beach olympics. I wandered over some rocks on the right side of the beach and found the tide flowing through an inlet to a lagoon. I found a live conk in the inlet.
Seeing the aerial photo now, I wish we had done a little more exploring.

Kelly and Claire took a mini-Scuba class and both learned to breathe under water with a “bubbler.”
We returned to ship in time for the adult scavenger hunt. The adults were split into three teams and put through a series of challenges. One person from each team had to step up into the team circle, and that person would take the challenge. Nicole (Team 3) and Kathy (Team 2) ended up going head to head in a challenge to see who could get their bodies signed with five crew autographs the fastest. Kathy found the captain first, and got him to sign her shoulder. She was able to show it off for the rest of the evening.
After a lot of challenges, it was time for the last one. It was my turn as I stepped into the Team 2 circle with two other guys from Team 1 and Team 3. It was all kind of rushed, so I didn’t even notice the other two guys. We were told each team had seven minutes to dress up their teammate for the Miss Windjammer contest.
I was whisked away to the front of the ship, and suddenly I was being dressed and made up by five or six women. Someone gave me a wig, and when it wouldn’t stay on, I was told to just hold it up with one hand. I had lipstick, toenail polish, and Kathy put two pointy water cups under my top. As we hurried back, I got Maurice, the bar tender, to escort me in, and present the judges with a bottle of Jack Daniels. (Bribery counts, and our team did a lot of bribing.)
I thought I would be able to win for sure until I saw the guy on team 3: Danny!
We were asked a series of questions and then we had a dance competition. Danny had the crowd cracking up with his acrobatics. I couldn’t keep up. (I think I at least beat the Team 1 Miss Windjammer.) Later several women told me that Danny just had that cute factor going for him.
As dinner started to be served, people started changing into their costumes for the evening Costume Party. I decided to just play photographer having dressed up plenty as Miss Windjammer. Kathy and Nicole dressed up as Gypsy Bling and the Pirate Girl. Claire dressed up as a rapper dude. Kelly dressed up as a boy. Danny wore his Action Jackson shirt and turned his hat backwards.
The contest and dancing were a blast. OJ stole the show in his vintage World War II Czech bathing suit, especially when he did a ballroom dance with Pebbles.
Photos: mac.fiveforks.comt/windjammer2005/day5/
Now playing:
Gypsy Queen by
Van Morrison