Estonian In The House

There is an Estonian in our house right now. She has been working in our neighborhood all day. She came to our house earlier, and Kathy found out she needed a ride at the end of the day, so of course, being an Estonian, Kathy felt compelled to offer her a ride.

Danny, Kelly, and Claire are talking to her. I’m printing out a couple of Ted’s Estonian stories for her to take with her. I’m going to suggest that if she borrow someone’s car she drive within the speed limit.

4 thoughts on “Estonian In The House

  1. She must have just gotten here. Last year my first entry was dated June 13. Maybe I missed my chance to get a new batch while I was in Colorado last week.

  2. re: “so of course, being an Estonian, Kathy felt compelled to offer her a ride.”

    Ok, I’ll admit I have an indefinite reference with the phrase “being an Estonian”. It refers to the girl and not Kathy. I was trying to imply:

    being an Estonian [like the guys that stayed with Ted last year], Kathy felt compelled to offer her a ride.

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