3 thoughts on “The Conclave Described

  1. I saw today that there are 115 cardinals in the Conclave. The country with the most cardinals is Italy, but the US is in second with 11. Even though they say there is no chance there will be an American pope, it could happen. He could move the Vatican to Rome, Georgia.

  2. I thought we had the most cardinals in the U.S.

    I have always liked cardinals. We have this obnoxious mocking bird that thinks it’s daytime all night long. This morning at 3:30 I got up and turned off our outside lights and he shut-up for a few minutes. Then he was back to imitating every bird he had ever heard. I wonder how he can sleep all day with the other birds making so much noise.

  3. A robin built a nest on top of my downspout where it goes under the eave from the gutter to the wall. I didn’t see anyone at home this morning but he was there last night trying not to be noticed. It is right outside of my back door.

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