Spring Opens With Wins

Kelly and Danny both opened their seasons with wins today.

Kelly played forward for her soccer team. The three forwards did a lot of passing, enabling each girl to score one goal. Final score was 3 – 1. Kelly was surprised her goal went in. She reported that it stayed on the ground and kind of curved in. Bend it like Kelly.

Danny took the mound to open Brookwood’s season. Brookwood went ahead early by 2 in the first inning. His first inning pitching was four up, three down, with one strike out and a great pick-off at first. The second and third innings had a little more excitement, with the other team getting 3 runs on Brookwood’s 4. His fourth inning was short. A one pitch grounder to the first guy. A one pitch pop to the second. And a two pitch pop out to the third for a total of 4 pitches. The fifth inning was his last, which included a visit from the coach, but he pulled off a three strike-out inning, allowing only one guy on.

The closers did a good job, and the game ended 5 to 3, with Danny recording the win.

3 thoughts on “Spring Opens With Wins

  1. Congratulations to both Kelly and Danny. In my generation none of us got to play the leading positions like forward or pitcher. So just getting to play those is great, but to do so well in them is even better!

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