Bones On Paper

A colorful piece of construction paper was in our kitchen. Kelly had glued bones to it. She had dissected an owl pellet. Pellets are spit up and out by owls.


I’m not sure what the scientific notations in this photo mean. Kelly will have to explain:

10G keal kcal vole herbivore

1,000 keal kcal grass producer

9 thoughts on “Bones On Paper

  1. yes, it does mean kilo-calorie, which is the amount of energy that the organism will supply. the animal was a vole (no, not a mole). my teacher bought it from this company that sells owl pellets for you to dissect. it was real though.

  2. Aunt Carol, are you trying to tell me they sell owl pellets at KFC? That’s gross, I’ve never been there but i don’t think i’ll ever go there now.

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