Modernize Me

modernizeme.pngDanny started playing with GarageBand which is music mixing software that came with our iMac a year ago. We had looked at it a year ago, but we did not understand what to do with it. Over the holidays, Danny made some amazing discoveries, and suddenly he was combining instruments, loops, and tweaking notes and phrases to create compositions that rival the best of cheesy television music. Some of his tracks could have been in any of the Beverly Hills Cop movies.

Then Kelly got in the act and started applying her more formal music training. Click here to listen to her first published composition: Modernize Me. Click on the picture to see just 10 seconds of Kelly’s composition in GarageBand.

I think Danny and Kelly are working on putting together an entire CD. Advanced orders can be placed here.

2 thoughts on “Modernize Me

  1. That reminds me of the DVD extras on Once Upon a Time in Mexico where the Director/Writer/Editor/Composer showed how he composed a score for the movie by using some kind of computer program (in his house where he also edited the movie). He went through an example where he should a film clip and then said would add different instruments. It was just background music, not really a song, but it was still really impressive.

    Kelly’s song is fun. It seems like it could be a huge hit in Europe.

  2. Jeb, I used Sonic Audio to create the theme song on the Rosary Army DVD. I think it took about 12 song loops and 30 minutes to come up with that.

    And I have to admit, you’re kind of making me want a Mac. Sort of. Just a little.

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