Stout Fishback

Stout1.JPGKathy and Kelly found our new dog, Stout Fishback, last weekend at a Humane Society adoption drive hosted by Petco. He was sitting in a small cage on top of a larger cage that held a giant, white, shaved poodle. The sponsors had to put a towel on the back of Stout’s cage because he would get fixated on the rats and mice behind him. This reminded Kathy and Kelly of Jake’s lizard fixation.

KC-Stout.JPGBoth Kelly and Kathy said simultaneously: “He’s cute.” They were able to walk him around the store on a leash and thought he would be a great little dog. (We’ve been on again and off again about getting a second small dog ever since Jake stayed with us for a short time.) The next day, after church, the whole family went up to think about getting the little dog. Kathy decided she’d like to have him, so we brought him home. In trying to think of a name, we came up with Stout because he is has the black and tan colors of a “Half and Half” which is made with Guiness Stout. Also the first definition of the word stout fits his personality: Having or marked by boldness, bravery, or determination; firm and resolute. He does not seem to care that Clyde is eight times his size when they play-fight. (He can walk right under Clyde without ducking.)

MCC-Stout.JPG Stout is a mutt about 1.5 years old. We have no idea what he is, but he looks like a little 10 pound Sheltie. Kelly guesses he is half Sheltie and half Chihuahua. We’ve decided that he is a new breed of dog called a “Guiness Shepherd.” The breed was scaled down from Shelties, not to herd sheep, but to herd geese. Perhaps Guiness Gosherd would be a more fitting breed name. So far he has had no “accidents” in the house and he hasn’t chewed anything up. He also doesn’t bark much. Kathy did find him on the kitchen table once. He responds to scolding, and I suspect that will be the last time we’ll find him on the kitchen table.

Clyde and Stout are already the best of friends.

3 thoughts on “Stout Fishback

  1. Do you have a clue where the pet shop got him from? It’s nice to have a dog that is house broken. What does the vet say about him? He sure does have a long tongue. He’s a lucky dog to be adopted by a nice family!

  2. I just came across Stout’s adoption papers dated 5/30/04. His name was Ralphie. He weighed 10 pounds. (He is now a healthy, strong 19.) He was described as a “Terr X” that was tri-colored. Mary Springer was his foster mother. She was with the Society of Humane Friends of Georgia. Mary did a good job that day!

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