Saddam Caught

Saddam Caught.jpgAround 8:30 I was ready for morning mass (DC’s on call tonight) and Kathy was in the shower. I went to check the internet for something and saw this photo. At first I thought Ben Lauden had been caught because of the beard, then I read the story. I went up to announce to showering Kathy that George Bush had just won the next election. She couldn’t believe Saddam had been caught. She was so excited she almost couldn’t finish taking a shower.

In church, we were reminded by Father Stuart that we were called to pray for our enemies and that we should pray for Saddam Hussein. I figure he’ll be eating well and get some great health care for a while. Better than living in the “Spider Hole” where he was reported to be found.

One thought on “Saddam Caught

  1. Funny, I also broke the news to my wife while she was in the shower, and I, too, was getting ready to go to Mass (we had to do “split shift” yesterday because of sick kids). Actually, I was in my car, about to pull out of the driveway, and heard a press conference on the radio. I could immediately tell something big had happened, but I couldn’t figure out what. I finally got out of the car, went in the house, and saw the same photo you did. Then I went and interupted Jennifer’s shower.

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