The PAL Shavings Mystery

This is the view I have in the morning leaning over my sink to shave…


When I leaned over the other morning I saw red shavings all around the Tivoli Audio PAL radio (one of our best purchases.) At first I thought someone had been scraping off pieces of the red rubber coating! What in the world! (Click on photo to zoom in.)

Then I remembered the baseball game the night before. Kathy and I had gone to watch Danny play in the evening. We decided to let Kelly and Claire stay at home with strict instructions. Kelly was in charge and Claire had to do as Kelly said. If she had any problems with Kelly, she could bring them up when we came home. We told Kelly not to be bossy. Both had Kathy’s cell phone number if they needed to call.

We called several times during the game to check in. Everything was going fine. Then we got a call. It was Claire. There was a problem. Kelly was upset because she had a comb stuck in her hair. Claire had not caused the comb to get stuck in Kelly’s hair, she said. Kelly did it herself.

Kathy had an upset Kelly get on the phone. Sure enough, Kelly had rolled a comb up in her hair and created so many knots and tangles, she could not get it out. Kathy told Kelly to stop trying and wait until we got home… in about 45 minutes.

When we got home, Kathy determined the comb was tangled up so much it would have to be cut out piece by piece. Danny came to the rescue with some wire snips, carefully cutting out the comb piece by piece. Kelly did not like any of this, but Danny was really being a big help. Some hair was lost in the process, and Kelly would later have to get her hair evened up at a stylist.

According to Kathy, getting a comb stuck in your hair is an experience every girl has once in her life.

If you have been following a long, Dr. Watson, you should be able to answer this question: What color was the comb?

Now playing: Magical Mystery Tour by The Beatles

4 thoughts on “The PAL Shavings Mystery

  1. Well… the comb was pink! I didn’t like it because Danny kept on saying he was just going to cut my hair. Then he said we had to shave my head so it would look even.

  2. I don’t understand how girls can get combs stuck in their hair. Boys never do this.

    I knew it was a comb when I saw the picture (blown up).

    No Halloween pictures?

  3. Oct 24 was a Friday and you were at Tybee. It seems this story was told then and because I have such a good memory I figured the solution in the first few lines

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