Danny Scoops at Bruster’s


With a clear goal of getting his driver’s license (and paying half of the insurance) Danny found work at Bruster’s on Sugarloaf. (Great highway name for an ice cream shop. Thanks to Lexi for the referral!) One of the most surprising things he has learned is how the regulars not only come for ice cream every day, but sometimes they come twice in one evening! For us Bruster’s has always been reserved for special celebrations of achievement by the kids. I’d just as soon keep it that way.

5 thoughts on “Danny Scoops at Bruster’s

  1. Is this just pretend? Looks like you’re really getting the hang of it Danny. Next time try a big ice cream scoop and maybe some ice cream.

  2. Forced is a strong word. I said “pretend like you are scooping ice cream.” The great thing about Danny is that he went with it.

  3. Who is UT and who is Fatherman?

    Danny is such a good sport to pose for this picture for his dad. Thanks Danny for being a great family member. We need to come visit you while you’re working and taste some of that good ice cream.

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