DC Courses Fall 2003

1. Coach Doug Jones, Weight Lifting, Pitchers Special Program

2. Coach David Nelson, AP Physics, Egg Drop, Famous Scientist

3. Dr. Varieta Benjamin, Honors Junior Langage Arts, The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter

4. Mr. Keith Toda, Latin III / IV, Aeneid

5. Mrs. Teresa Taylor, Precalculus

6. Dr. Beverly Roberts, Gifted U.S. History. Colonization through Civil War/Reconstruction.

2 thoughts on “DC Courses Fall 2003

  1. ah, mrs. taylor. i graduated in the same class as her son, brad. they used to live in our old neighborhood too (i’ve known her son since i was 10/11 and we rode bikes off of home-made ramps in the lot together).

    do not know the other teachers. looks like you are in for an interesting year, danny. i read the crucible and scarlett letter when i was a junior in high school too (and wrote a term paper!).

  2. I didn’t know Danny was that smart. Sounds challenging. I’m pretty sure I would get at least one D in that lineup. Maybe several. Good luck Danny!

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