Kathy has been giving 2 year old Kelly geometry lessons. She already knew circle, square, and triangle somehow, so Kathy taught her rectangle and just for fun, rhombus. Kelly remembers rhombus better than rectangle.
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Kathy has been giving 2 year old Kelly geometry lessons. She already knew circle, square, and triangle somehow, so Kathy taught her rectangle and just for fun, rhombus. Kelly remembers rhombus better than rectangle.
When I went to MacWorld in Boston, Don Voshall saw a lot of drawing programs that he had John Watson buy.
I installed Painter at home, and we’ve all had some fun with it. Kelly asks about the pig drawing almost every day. She watched me draw it from her Mother Goose picture/music book that she got for her birthday.
I think she feels some ownership of the pig. “Drawing of pig on pewter?” she’ll ask, wanting to see my and her pig.
I have been away from the diary for almost the whole summer. We’ve all been very busy watching it rain and scratching mosquito bites.