Spent Saturday morning with Danny and Lane at the office. Kathy watched Nicole and Kathy as Peter and Lynn went to a birthing tour. On the way to the office, the three of us stopped by Nancy and Ted’s to help load their broken color TV into their new van.
Lane looks a lot like Nicole did when she was 3 or 4. So I walked ahead of the two of them and whispered to Shawn, who was waiting at the door, “Don’t say anything, but Nicole shrunk last night. She’s much smaller and very embarassed about it.”
Shawn’s eyes got real big as Danny and Lane came up to the door. Nancy (who had overheard me) demanded that I explain who Lane was.
We spent the entire afternoon eating lunch and sitting on the back porch with Peter Wonderly and Lynn Poor-Wonderly. The kids played all around us. The day was cool, but the sun felt good.
That night we went over to Tom and Jeannette’s to hear all about Melaleuca, Inc.’s multi-level marketing. Kathy is going to try to get others involved. Should be a good summer project. She wants to make the Ruby level which gives a $400 car allowance. Who am i to object.
Nicole, Danny and I went over to Mom & Dad’s while Kathy studied for the final of her final exams. Finally got the dreaded bassinet loaded up into Mom’s car to deliver back to Mr. and Mrs. Garies. I hope Lisa’s new baby doesn’t fall out of the rickety thing.
Mom gave Danny a cardboard detective’s kit that came on the top of a Life cereal box. The contents all centered around searching for Waldo. Included was a master disguise made up of funny glasses and a card board mustache. Danny loved putting it on, just sure that no one recognized him. He would assume a stiff, old man expression and try to talk with a deep voice.
Later that night, he put the disguise on to avoid going to bed. “I’m not Danny. I’m a little old man.” So I told him that only the kids had to go to bed. Little Old Men could stay up as late as they wanted.
Nicole had a fit, which got Kathy tickled.
Danny promptly went downstairs and began watching TV. When Kathy went downstairs and saw him sitting stiffly on the couch, laughing at the TV with a throaty HO HO HO, she lost control.
She laughed so loud and hard that her stomach hurt the rest of the night. As soon as she would get control, Danny would just look at her with his grim, little, old man expression, and she would start all over.
He eventually turned back into Danny and sent himself to bed, delighted that he had fooled everyone.
A bit later, this little old man voice came from the darkness of his room. I yelled from our room, “I’m going to come in and give all short people a spanking.”
The little old man went to sleep.