That is whats coming for PiZzAzZ ShoRTZ! (Comedy)
– The Stolen Purse- Do you ever think what you might miss if you DON’T go to the grocery store???? 7 1/2 (out of 10)
– Zappy the Way of the Future!!!- What will happen whens Zappy, the boy from the future who loves electricity, visits your home??? 9 1/2
– Thanks for the Memories- A girl named Coodie thinks of her past which involves, her sweet 16 (not so sweet), first kiss (which she might have “missed”), her first haircut (which was yesterday!), and her first time she bough a DVD (the mom gets ANGRY!) 8
– The Real Story Behind Fred/Frank- Coddie’s boyfriend may not have a great life after all ever since he got his purple shorts! Ugly purple shorts! 7
– Kelsey the 5 yr old 8th grader- Kelsey, a five year old, talks about her struggles in being in the 8th grade. It involves a bully and a stuffed bear. Do you ave a clue??? 8
– American Idol- What will happen when two people try to pull off a “special episode” of American Idol??? Well this is what happens, there’s a freaky Ryan Secrest, weird Paula Abdul, and spoiled brat singers. 8 1/2
Well that is what’s been going on with PiZzAZz ShoRTZ lately.
You are just trying to tease all of us, get us excited, and create long lines for the show. You are a genius marketing person.