Letter to Our Representative

July 31, 2009

The Honorable _____

House of Representatives

Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative _____,

My name is Claire _____. I am ___ years old and a rising ____ grader at _____ School. I am writing to you in opposing the idea of government run healthcare.

First off, I would like to mention that I am all for having an African American president. However, I do not approve of his ideas such as legalizing late term abortion, taking money from those who earned it to “spread the wealth”, the Carbon Tax, which will cause our energy costs to skyrocket, and President Obama’s $819 billion stimulus plan, which will make my generation and future generations pay for these debts. I have heard about President Barack Obama’s plan about future healthcare in the news numerous times. It has been just recently that I have discovered what this plan is all about. Along with President Obama’s other ideas, I definitely do not approve of this one.

It is to my understanding that the elderly do not receive medical treatment because of the assumption that they do not have much longer to live. Saying that it just is not worth the time. Additionally, those who are expected to only have a few years left of their life, due to a fatal illness, are denied treatment. If even a child breaks a bone, they are technically “put on hold” to receive treatment for their injury. None of this sounds like it would actually do any good for the United States. This government run healthcare plan is a death sentence for the old, injured, and ill. I am going to have to live the rest of my life in this mess. Evidently, I am not the only one. Moreover, I am not the only one who disapproves of this bill. If congress does NOT pass President Obama’s healthcare plan, it will make the citizens of the United States have a sigh of relief and make this country one step closer to where it should and is expected to be, free. Our own national anthem states we are the land of the free. The Pledge of Allegiance, which I recite every morning when school is in session, articulating “… with liberty and justice for all.” I am speaking on the behalf of over half of America. Do not pass government run healthcare. It will be one the most favorable things to us all. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. If you would like to respond, please send your letter to my address _____. Thank you again for your time.


Claire ____

3 thoughts on “Letter to Our Representative

  1. Did Claire mail the letter? Well done, Claire. Although UT says that we are all brain washed about the health care proposal and that we are misinformed. We’ll see.

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