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November 02, 2004
Diaries of a Genius #1
Dear Chronical,
Okay, I know what you are thinking. Diaries are for girls and not for guys. This is actually a common misconseption, diaries are for guys as well as girls. Diary is a girl name for it. Journal is more for science, so this will be called my Chronical I shall name you, Spud. I shall call you Spud for I will eat anything containing potatoes. They are quite fascinating, you know. Have you ever studied their growth habits, or anything they do? I have been studying them, and using them for many experiments. All of these are recorded in Yams, my science journal. That, is open for the public. You, Spud, are the only one in the world who will know how I think other than me. You are the window to my soul. To everything I am, and I trust you because you have no lips. I have not even told Albert or Einstein these things. They are my hermit crabs by the way. I gave their mother Genie a chemical as a test and made them siamese twins. I have told them that, but nobody else. Not even their mother! Their father Gus was eaten by my little sister, I have yet to classify her species, for surely she is not human! Well, this is where I must conclude this entry. Fare the well!
Posted by Kelly at November 2, 2004 05:58 PM
I'm glad you pointed out that this is the diary of genius, otherwise I might wonder.
Posted by: UT at November 4, 2004 11:55 AM