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November 23, 2003

How To Make a Peanut Butter Sandwich

First you get out a container of Peanut Butter. Then you get a knife and open the container of peanut butter. You put the knife in and scoop out some peanut [butter] and spread it on a slice of bread. Then put away the peanut butter (with the top on) and get out some jelly. Open up it's its container and dip the knife in it. Scoop out some jelly and spread it on a seperate separate piece of bread. Put the 2 slices of bread together and you have a PB&J sandwich.

[This handwritten recipe was found laying around the house. Whenever using its or it's, remember that "it's" = "it is". Helps to say it out loud. Gramalie taught me a way to remember how to spell sepArate. Think of the "A" in the middle as sepArating the word in half. -- Editor]

Posted by cashin at November 23, 2003 06:18 PM


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