
I messed up on the blog below. When I logged in I did not read it clearly. It was on the comments section. My apologies. Even though I did not really hurt anyone I do not think. I would take off that blog, but I do not think I will. It will just add on to my collection. By the way, I have a question for all those who read my blog. Do you think that it would be a good idea to make up a story and do at least 1 chapter every now and then. Would you read it? That is all.

1ooth blog

Hooray for me! I have now made 100 posts. Not that I have caught up to Dad or Uncle Ted (Shivvani, if you are reading this, I am sorry you have to know so much about our family), but it is a start. I will start posting more now because the school year has started. More interesting things are happening, and no TV until the weekend. One thing I have definitely noticed about 7th grade is that the 8th graders respect you and that there is a ton more homework. It has been a while since I rode the bus in the morning. I think that it is more challenging in math and I will have to work 10 tomes as much. Look for more blog postings in the future!!

Blind Man

You know that expression or whatever it is ” ‘I see’ said the blind man”. Well I thought it was ” “Not I’ said the blind man”. Don’t even ask why I thought it was that. Anyway, I said that one time during school and this one guy started saying it. So, I heard these 2 other people say it the next day. Then pretty soon a whole bunch of people were saying it and it was completely wrong. I then realized it was wrong and told the one guy that had said it first what it really was and the first one was wrong. Then everybody stopped saying it PERIOD because they did not like the real way. The other day I realized not everybody got the memo (Which this was a few months ago I corrected everyone), because I heard somebody say ” ‘Not I’… said the blind man”. Who knew!! I can start trends! (Who is this blind man anyway?)

New Title

I need a new title (Kelly’s Blog is not so catchy) only I can’t think of any good ones. I thought of Kelly’s Court, but that is not really a very good one. Also, I realized that is a name of a street. Also I thought of K.E.C. IN WRITING only that seemed a little too corny. Anyone have any suggestions??


HOORAY! It snowed F-I-N-A-L-L-Y! It has been about 3 years since it last snowed I think. Clyde got to see the snow for the first time, and he totally loved it! HE was really excited. He would rub his face in the snow, roll around in it. When we threw snowballs at him he would eat them!kecmccclydesnow.jpg I went around the cul-de-sac and made giant snow balls that were so big that you couldn’t pick them up! Also there were a lot of kids sledding down giant hills and icy driveways. Mom did not want us to slide in to the street so we would throw snowballs at the people going down. I went out 3 times because my clothes would get soaking wet. Now it is 3 days later and the low is 55 degrees. If you look in people’s yards you will see Giant snowballs. Now, isn’t that funny? I am in short sleeves and capris… and there is snow outside!

For David

Okay David I finally got the flooj info. that you needed!

I am not sure what you wanted so this is what I came up with (with a few changes) :

The Floojians are highly intelligent people living in the hidden areas of many forests. They have a large variety climate, which is good so they have diverse types of plant, tree, or animal. As a result, there are various alien species as well. Especially the humanoid aliens. Everyone has different weaknesses and strengths, but there is one big weakness that they all have… Which I will not tell you because you are close to the Melopians. Unless you’d be willing to tell me the weakness of the Melopians. I can’t have you knowing much about their biology in case you try to go to war.

If you wanted to see a picture or different info you can just post a comment so I can do so. I think that you owe me some info on the Melopians now thank you!

Pumpkin Seeds an’ Poop

A few day ago I was doing poop patrol. In case you did not know Clyde is an untrained pooper and still poops in the front yard. We have to go out with a shovel and a bucket and collect poops for 25?? a pile. Usually we find little surprises such as crayon, paper, wrappers, etc. This time i found an old dry poop. Inside it were seeds, seed shells of all types. Peanut shells, sunflower seeds, and quite a few pumpkin seeds. The mystery is how did the pumpkin seeds get there…mom?

Some Where Over the Rainbow

A few days ago during a light drizzle it suddenly was pink outside! I heard my mom run inside yelling,” WHERE’S THE CAMERA?! WHERE’S THE CAMERA?! LOOK OUTSIDE! THERE IS A PERFECT RAINBOW OUTSIDE! IT’S RIGHT OVER THE HOUSE!” She was followed by Claire who was screeching, “IT’S PINK OUTSIDE! IT’S PINK OUT THERE!” I ran outside to see what was so great. I have to admit, it was pretty cool. The world was all a pinkish reddish orange color. Some circumpection, and sure enough right over our house was a large beautiful rainbow. Actually, it was more like right next to our house. I guess we were just somewhere over the rainbow.

P.S. Too bad we didn’t get it on digital camera. My mom used the fancy film. I sure hope it turns out!

Now playing: Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Ray Charles