I’m the 3rd Cashel to get Mr. G! He thought I was the baby upon visiting him. He could not believe he had one more to go until collecting them all, lets see if Claire can manage to get him before he retires.
This teacher is hard to understand… or maybe he is so simple to understand it is confusing. The man is brilliant (…or crazy), he speaks 7 languages and incorporates them in to all the classes. His major is in Latin and Roman History, so he knows all there is to know. His list of achievements is extensive.
To the point, this guy can get away with ANYthing. He curses. A lot. His walls are covered in posters displaying curse words. He has 2 wooden paddles in his classroom. He whacks “nasty little boys” (even when they aren’t being nasty) with yard sticks, throws books at them, and throws them out of their desks for things as simple as forgetting their homework.
If a girl makes an offense, he simply pretends he doesn’t see it. In the front of his classroom there is “sleepy chair”, an old chair that gets a new cover each year where girls are allowed to sit and sleep during the class if they’re having a bad day.
He addresses the makes students as “babes”, “beautiful men”, “cuties”. No girl is left uncomplimented. The boys are complimented too, but afterward he picks at all their flaws. There’s no end to this man’s antics. He actually blessed one kid in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. “I’ve absolved you of all your sins, now do your homework or rot in Hell”. (One kid said “Why don’t you just send him to Azkaban?” Gee snorted at him like that was the weirdest thing he’d ever heard and whacked him in the back of the head).
Even after hearing countless stories about this man from Nicole and Danny, I still have no idea what to expect. We’ll see… I can’t wait… I guess.