New Editor

I am the new part-time editor of the Saint John Newmann! Go to and tell me if I did a good job! Dad is going to pay me every week I do it. This week was more of a… training lesson. I might be out of business already though. My dad is thinking of switching it to blog style. Aaaw man! I only did it once. Oh well… maybe I can help with the Life Teen page.

Cute Thingy

Adopt your own useless blob!

My friend said that this is a code to put on your blog for an image of a thingy. She has one on her blog too as a posting. Isn’t it cute? I think that it is actually meant for a website or something. This is good enough!


I am proud to be a part of this club, Wall Paper Rippers of America! Shivani and I made it up, well, really I made it up. She came up with our motto though, Rip, Tear, Trash, ah! (You know, the Crest whitening brushes that are rubber things you put on your fingers in case you forgot to brush? Rip, slip, brush ah!) I came up with this because….it all started on Friday. Mom wants to put new wall paper up in the dining room. We had some fun ripping that wall paper. It is VERY addicting, you just can’t pull yourself away. I was telling Shivani that I liked it. She said she did it once too! She agreed with me that it was very fun indeed. Well, we had an idea to have our own club because Rachel (another friend) had the NCPC. This is the NO CELL PHONE CLUB. All the members do not have a cell phone and really want one. Well, I have no cell phone but really want to…*ahem hem hem* (hint hint: I would like one for christmas. too bad mom and dad will not allow it! Too bad, if they didn’t read my blog I might have actually gotten away with it) Still, I am not a member. So, Shivani and I have our own club. You are only allowed to be a member if you have ripped wall paper. Everybody who’s anybody has ripped wall paper! Only cool people in our club. So far the members of our club is: 2. Mom, you could be a member if you wanted!


Ms.Dickson told us to right our serendipity today. A DREAM COME TRUE. Of course, when she said a dream come true I think FANTASY. I write about how I want this magical flying pony that is pink! It flies over the world and has money flying out of it’s ears and nose! It’s purple hair is constantly falling out, and wherever the hair lands, peace will spread through out the land! Best of all, when it flies, I ride on it and we are out in space. PLUS, we don’t need oxygen!! My picture got chosen to hang up on the wall!

This was an entry I wrote on March the 29th 2004 in the 6th grade. It never got published, it was only a draft when I read it! I remember this picture, Mrs. Dickson kept it. it was not even my best art!


I was wondering, everyone else has google ads on their blog, so why don’t I? This is unjust! I will protest. I am just as good as the google ad bloggers! So, can I have them PLEASE!!

Up in the Mountain, Down in the Creek

Over the long weekend we went up the mountains. I guess it was in North Georgia. We actually walked the beginning of the Appalachian Trail. Which was hardly anything. There were too many complaints to go any farther *cough* Danny *cough*. We stayed in this nice cabin in a peaceful mountain resort place is I guess what you call it. We got to bring the dogs. Claire and I spent a lot of time with the horses. We went to this church that really like visitors.

What I loved, besides God and all living things, was playing in the creek. That was my favorite thing. The water was icy cold and you could feel your bones freeze. After a minute or two, you got used to it. What we did in that creek was something that I feel proud of. We built a dam (or as Claire sats, a D-A-M) out of the rock in the creek. It made about half a foot difference in the deepness of the water. You could tell it made one whole side a lot deeper. That trip was so much fun. And I owe it all to mom, who paid for the trip. I love you mom, and thank you so much. Also, I hope you feel better.


Mexicans at the Soccer Feild

Today I had soccer practice at Bethesda Park. There were these two mexican boys that were around 10 or so (who knows, they could have been at least three years older or younger) on the other side of the fence. We were doing drills and they were hooting at a girl named Destiny on my team. She is a good soccer player and is very pretty too. although, sometimes she can be a little too… I do not really know how to put it, but she can be kind of rude. I do not think she really means it all the time though. They were saying all these things like “Woah baby!! You are very pretty!” and after drills they would say things like,”Good! That was very good!” Everybody who heard was cracking up she and she would yell “BE QUIET!!” Then she would turn around and crack up herself. Also she would yell,”I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!” turning around she would say,”Not like I would go out with those youngans.” They kept yelling on anyway, and soon they were starting to like another girl Andy. Then they said,”I do cartwheels for you my love!” They started trying to do cartwheels and laughed heartily. “Aaaaw,” Andy said sarcastically,”how sweet!” We were all cracking up when Destiny yelled,”FREAKS! WE HAVE OUR BOYFRIENDS ALREADY!!!” They started whispering to each other than just stared at them. Andy turned around and waved. “HOT MAMA!” they both screamed so we could all hear them. One guy acted like he was about to faint and they both tried to climb up. Fortunately, they were too heavy. When Andy and Destiny waved together they whistled and said,”Whoooo!” Then they ran away together. I thought that was just so funny. Then I said,”If I were you guys I would have said,’I have an older brother who works out. Do you want me to call him, I am sure he is around here somewhere..'”