The Diaries of a Genius

I think I know what I am going to write a story about. It will be about a guy named Steve who is a not very popular person. It will sort of be based on thing I have seen at my school. It is something for all people of all ages. Maybe you will learn what goes on at my school. Although parts of it will be completely made up. You may see a first chapter in a week or so. If this does not work out then I might think of a different story according to what people’s interests are. I will try this out first though! Send in your thoughts by posting something!



I messed up on the blog below. When I logged in I did not read it clearly. It was on the comments section. My apologies. Even though I did not really hurt anyone I do not think. I would take off that blog, but I do not think I will. It will just add on to my collection. By the way, I have a question for all those who read my blog. Do you think that it would be a good idea to make up a story and do at least 1 chapter every now and then. Would you read it? That is all.

1ooth blog

Hooray for me! I have now made 100 posts. Not that I have caught up to Dad or Uncle Ted (Shivvani, if you are reading this, I am sorry you have to know so much about our family), but it is a start. I will start posting more now because the school year has started. More interesting things are happening, and no TV until the weekend. One thing I have definitely noticed about 7th grade is that the 8th graders respect you and that there is a ton more homework. It has been a while since I rode the bus in the morning. I think that it is more challenging in math and I will have to work 10 tomes as much. Look for more blog postings in the future!!

Dolphins in Anna Maria

One of things I am really going to remember about Anna Maria 2004 is seeing the dolphins. I got to see dolphins three times! The time I thought was the coolest was when we saw a mother and its baby. They were flapping their tails (My mom said it was like school, the baby was being taught). I am not really sure how many baby dolphins there were. The mother did it once and the baby did it about 7 times. We swam out to them, but they were gone by the time we got out there. Dolphins are made for speed. The time we got the closest to them we were on that really nice pontoon boat- thanks to Grammalie 🙂 – that we drove around to many places. We drove right next to a booey with a dolphin swimming around it. We think it was trying to get something out of it. I wish I had on my glasses!! I could still see it pretty clear though. That was one of my favorite parts of Anna Maria. I heard there were Manatees out. Too bad we didn’t get to see those!! Maybe next time…

Now playing: Octopus’s Garden from “Abbey Road” by The Beatles

Black Widows

blackwidow2.JPG I have had quite a few close ups with Black Widows. This is the most recent one and the only one I have a picture of. This was at one of Danny’s baseball games. I turned over a rock (don’t even think about asking me why, I just do these things) and saw a Black Widow. Quickly I jumped back and calmly said, “Dad, I found a Black Widow.” I said it calmly because it was the 4th time this has happened to me. He came and took 2 pictures of it. You can tell that this is indeed a black widow, because you can see it has some red on it’s belly. If you saw it at another angle you would see that the red part of it is in the shape of a hour glass. You may not see it, but around it were many baby black widows who were brown. The big brown ball you see is a sack. Either the baby spiders were new borns or there were about to be more. We did nothing with the spider, but left the rock turned up.

blackwidow1.JPG 2 of the other times I saw black widows were at school. Once was outside during recess. We had to finish up our work at this table and I saw a Black Widow on its web 1 foot from my leg. Another time I was next to this inch wide crack in the wall where there was a black widow. The closest I have ever been was touching one. At camp I signed up for a class in camping out skills were we learned how to make a fire with sticks (I really do not remember how to do that one) using a knife, using matches, making knots, and some of these other things. We were having a talk about a scavenger hunt we were going on the next day. I was sitting at a picnic bench sliding my finger through the spaces between pieces of wood when I felt something strange. I jerked my hand away and screamed,”A BLACK WIDOW!!!! AAAAAH!! I JUST TOUCHED A BLACK WIDOW!!” All the girls screamed and we ran away from the table. A ranger guy came and caught the spider in a jar. He came and asked me if it bit me and if I was all right. It didn’t bite me, and I think it was sleeping because it did not move until it was in the jar trying to get out. He said he was gonna give it as a present to his nephew. What a weirdo!

Fast Eddies

We went to Pensacola for Danny’s baseball tournament. The whole time we had pretty fun. The thing that I liked the most was going to Fast Eddies. It was a small place. The mini golf court was literally mini. We did not do it, but I know it wouldn’t have been that fun. Inside you could get food and there was a lot of arcade games squeezed inside. All we did though was ride the Go-Carts. Of course that was the main attraction. Also the most fun thing to do. Most of the team had left. One of Danny’s fellow pitchers accompanied us (Ryan Bode). We went there, because we were expecting the Brunelle’s to come (a baseball team family). They wound up not being there since the baseball player in their family, Parker, was too tired. All the kids got three rides each. Dad got 2 Mom got 1. It was so fun. One of the best things I ever had done. at first I was kinda afraid of crashing. But when we got started I found it was so easy. We could only go on 2 of the tracks. One of them you needed a license and a special expensive ticket. The other one was for toddlers. The two we went on was a track shaped like an 8 and the other one was a special speed one. I liked the 8 one the best. I only crashed once out of all 3 rides. On the third ride I was the fastest and lapped half the people. I love driving go-carts now. I could probably spend all my money in one day go-cart riding!! After leaving there I had the need for speed!! If anyone wanted to do this, I would strongly suggest that you do it. Of course for your birthday or something!!

The Poop Shoe

I was reading one of my old journals from the 5th grade. There was one of a few pages that appeared to be folded over at one point in time (our teacher would read our journals regularly to read our stories and we would fold over pages we did not want her to read). It was actually pretty funny. It was about “One of the most embarrassing days of my life”.

Today was SOSOSOSO embarrassing! When I came to school and sat down I smelled something really bad! I was thinking “Man, Clay must not have washed his clothes!! It is too bad I have to sit next to him.” So I turned my head away, but the smell just would not go away! The whole class could smell it!! Mrs. Jones didn’t say anything, but I could tell she could smell it too. I kept looking at Clay. He didn’t seem to care. It must have been him. Then, I lifted my leg to cross my feet and stared down horror struck, I had dog poop on my shoe!! I started to get hot and wanted to disappear or have on another pair of shoes! Before I had been sitting on my knees. To make it worse I turned around and saw little fragments of dog poop on my seat. Then before we went out to recess Mrs. Jones had to talk to all the girls about wearing deodorant because she already talked to the guys. Way to waste 10 minutes of recess! Not only that she mentioned the bad smell in the class room so I was once again embarrassed. Luckily I stayed behind my fiends so I could stomp out most of the poop and wipe my shoe off in the grass. All my friends started talking about the bad smell in the class room and how somebody must have really bad B.O. I kept on changing the subject and they forgot about it, but I was still embarrassed. If anyone found out it was dog poop on MY shoe I would die.

Now playing: Those Shoes from “The Long Run” by Eagles

A Picture of Stout


This is a picture of Stout. I am holding him. He has been a good boy so far… Except he ran away once and likes to get on the couch. He is not allowed to do that.

Newest Fishback Member

We just got a new dog. His name is Stout. We adopted him from the Humane Society of Friends who were at Pet Co. When I first saw him my mom was taking me to get a hair cut. The place we were going to was closed mom said “I want to stop by Pet Co and see the dogs”. She had wanted a small dog for a long time. We wound up adopting him the next day with permission from my dad. He is 1 1/2 and looks like a Sheltie Chihuahua mix. He may have something else too! He looks like a puppy Sheltie. I will be posting later with some pictures of him!

Tasty Umbrellas

My mom and I were watching Claire’s soccer game and it was raining. We were waiting for Dad to pick me up and take me to Grammalie and Grandad’s house. Aunt Patsy was visiting and we were all going to have pizza (Uncle Ted came too). I was looking to see if dad was there and I smooshed my face on the pole.


I replied “o, why would I do that?”

Then she said “You do all sorts of weird things like that”

Later on I stuck my tongue out against my cheek and acted like I was trying to lick it without sticking my tongue out. “MMMM…” I said. ” I can almost taste it!”

Mom started cracking up and that became the joke the day. Although I am not sure why it was so funny…