I am really excited about doing chorus this year. We have it for the first time. Today we were doing voice testing for the girls. It was to see if we were sopranos or altos. Well, not I only was I able to sing the lowest in my group I went to sing with, I was of the highest with one of the other girls. We can sing the highest in our class. trust me, it’s not pretty, but it is in tune at least. She said we can work with that later. Anyways, the other girl and I (who said she had no singing talent at all, but I think she was saying that in case she sounded bad to other people) in the group “were on pitch” the entire, and we might get to be in honors chorus, which is like, a county (state?) wide chorus. We were not the only ones in the class, just the only ones in our group of… 5, but some groups didn’t even have one person to do Honors. I have to go in early on tuesdays and thursdays to work with her, and later on I would like to try out for Allstate, which is much more competitive. You have to audition by yourself in front of judges, and it is international i think. I don’t quite remember, but i am really, really, really excited.
Hey Kelly! That’s really cool. Learning how to sing pretty is great. Good luck 🙂