A Spring (Fall) Graduation

kec-grad-after-fall.jpgHonestly, I wasn’t looking forward to graduation. I thought it was going to be long, boring, and full of awkward over-emotional moments. Much to my surprise, it was a fantastic time.

“Better than any birthday, even,” as my best friend Jessie put it.

Walking into that stadium was incredible. The teachers lined a pathway for us to walk. Nobody could keep from smiling as we made out way through them toward a crowd of thousands. Sure, the families and friends were cheering for the individuals they had come for, but it felt like they were all cheering for me.

I felt special.

It was exciting to hear our reticent Valedictorian speak more than a paragraph. He did a wonderful job and got a number of laughs. I was shocked at his eloquence, recalling the way he would mumble through his presentations in class. Maybe it was the atmosphere. The fellowship was as fair as the weather. For the next few hours all the hard-wearing barriers between cliques were lowered, there was no status quo. This is a rare thing. Brookwood is notorious among the other local high schools for its tight-knit circles. A few people from student government got up to speak and some school officials, but after Eric spoke I was too busy thinking about my walk to get my diploma.

kec-grad-flipped-diploma.jpgWhen the time came, people widened their eyes at me, “You’re too chicken, you won’t do it.”

Months of deliberation had gone into this. My math teacher challenged to purposefully trip and fall when I walked to get my diploma. Every person to whom I mentioned it would encourage me, but nobody believed I would go through it.

The fall would be more than just a practical joke on my part. This would be my last chance to show people I didn’t care if they laughed at me. I didn’t care what they thought at all. After years of constantly worrying about what the popular crowd and constantly being judged, I was finished. I would never see most of these people again, and I had begun to wonder why I had even bothered. I’m not very well known at school. Maybe people wouldn’t remember my name, but who could forget the girl that took a massive fall at graduation?

So I did it. People were shocked. There was nothing to trip over, yet I had managed to face plant on my way to receive my diploma. How does this happen? Isn’t that everybody’s worst nightmare?

My friends were given dirty looks from nearby teachers as they laughed.

They had never been more proud.

An overall successful graduation.

After turning out tassels, throwing our hats, and taking pictures I went home for barbecue.

I was more than thrilled to receive presents.

Claire and Danny pitched in to get me an iTunes gift card.

Grandpa and Sue got me some mazooma.

Grammalie got me a nice Bible with my name engraved on the front.

And Mom and Dad got me a MacBook (which I am currently using).

These were all great gifts! I am pretty excited and can’t wait to use them all, so thanks to everybody. You’ll be receiving thank you notes from me soon. 🙂

We rushed over to “project graduation” where I received many handshakes (and even had my autograph requested) until 2am. I had to leave early because I got sick. Too much fun for one day, I guess.

It was a nice day.

(PS: If you want to see the video of my fall its on facebook)