Wendy’s Invitational

On Friday I checked out of school to leave for an overnight cross-country meet in Charlotte, NC. It was a trip for top 25. I’m number 26. One girl was not able to go, requiring me to take her place. I was really nervous because this was a varsity meet and the girls on my team all ran a pace about 2 minutes faster than me. When we ran the course the day before the race, I was having a bit of a tough time. After all, the girls had assured me it was really an easy course. I disagreed. Saturday we ran at 12:15 pm. EVERYBODY was expecting to get their personal record, including me, but I expected to get a 22:45 at best. The ground we ran on was extremely dry and gravelly and the weather was over 80 degrees. We went out and I was passing all these really good girls on my team and I was getting afraid that I would not be able to keep it up.

My first mile was a 6:48 pace and the night before coach told me my first mile should be a 7:30. Of course I slowed down but not drastically, actually I kept it in relatively the low 7’s (minutes) I wound up getting a 21:38. Only 3 girls on my team improved on their times and I was 4th for my team in the open race.

What does this mean? I’m now on varsity! As for the girl who’s place I took, I ran faster than she ever has… and I think I may have just pushed her out of the top 20… Oops!