The Literals

Meet the Literals, all the boys in my probe science class who are the smartiest smart-panted-alecs you have ever met. I, being as silly as I am, make a few jokes here and there. I have learned that you can not do that around these… “people”. (Ahem, robots.) Because of my joking, the Literals believe that I think rocks are eroded by chocolate and love. It all started when we were learning about weathering and erosion…

Mr. D was showing us a slide show of stones.

“Look how these rocks were weathered by water and made smooth.”

Me, “Why are they on chocolate?” (honestly, they were, and I just wanted to explore deeper).

Mr. D and class begin laughing, I have no idea why that was funny, but whatever.

Mr D, “Gurrrl, rocks aren’t weathered by chocolate.”

“I know,” I said, and then he went on because he obviously had misinterpreted what I said.

“What made these rocks smooth?” up came a slide that had rocks with water rushing over them. Well that was obvious since Mr. D just told us that. Opportunity for a joke:

“Love!” I said.

“Hahahaha!” the class laughs.

“Gurrrrrrl, where are you?” Mr. D says.

“You are so stupid Kelly!”

GASP! I was astounded! I am not dumb! I was kidding people, ok? Not even Mr. D got the joke!

Now, months later, this experience still haunts me. I raise my hand to answer a question and out from behind me one of the Literals will burst, “Oh no, not Kelly! She is gonna say love! She’s dumb!”

“Kelly is not dumb, she’s a very bright girl,” Mr. D will defend me. That is true, I make better grades than some of these Literals. I don’t say dumb things, but I guess my joking is taken this way. Maybe science isn’t my very BEST subject, but I don’t make Cs in it like SOME of the people in the class.

Anyways, I showed them all by dominating this debate we had. It didn’t help.

“Kelly actually said something smart?!?!” –Literals

Whatever, I can’t stand how immature people can be.

A House Gone Yellow

Our house is turning yellow! One day, i came home from school and the upstairs hallway was “Lemon Yellow”! the front hallway (?), if that’s what you call it, is a work in progress. Once this hideous, bland pink, now yellow. Actually, I think it looks pretty good. It makes the rooms look much bigger. If my calculations are correct, our house is precisely. 33.33333333333333333333333333333331% yellow now. Cool! Next is the living room and kitchen, they’re going to be green! You guys aren’t even going to recognize the place by the time we’re through! Oh, and my room is (was) clean! yay!