Diaries of a Genius #4

Dear Spud,

I found a note in my locker today. It is not from red, but another girl. Wait, before that, let me tell you about Red. She does not like me, at least not the way I do. My pal Rex told me that she was going to the social dance with my friend Chris. Chris is one of those people who have convinced me that I could make a pretty good comedian. Rex told me that “popular” is not a club, it is the cool people in club. He told me that Red is her real name! Good thing too, I was going to ask her what her real name was! I can never be excepted in to the popular group. I think that it is because I of my asthma. Maybe popular is a species which is vulnerable to it. Back to the note. It was a love note, from Bernie, or should I say Bernice. She is in love with me. People tell us we look alike with our brown messy hair, big glasses and blue eyes, pale complexion, freckles, we even both wear out pants above out belly buttons! Also, our laugh os the same and we snort. Bernie told me how she was in love with me since we met. Her affections for me were the same as mine for Red! I am in love all over again. I wish her to be my sweet heart, we might go out. I love Bernie!

Heart struck,


One thought on “Diaries of a Genius #4

  1. Hey… I HAVE ASTHMA! i do but its not bad like those ppl’s! and i wear my pants above my belly… JK JK!~! Yeah… well gots to go! Luv ya!

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