A few days ago while I was watching Clyde sitting in the grass; a butterfly landed on his nose!! He lifted up his ears and crossed his eyes to look at it. I started cracking up, and it jumped on to his paw. Then he sort of did this low barkish growl. Of course then it flew away, but it was funny!
ok that happened to my dog too except it was a bee and it almost stung her! But I am a super hero and saved the day by getting it off with a stick!!! hahahahaha
What an exciting story!!
This is the cutest little story! I wish you had a picture of it.
Speaking of pictures, do you know how to post them? Could you post that one of Clyde wearing the star sunglasses for me please?
Well…I don’t know how. Dad said he’ll put it on for me.
Show a girl how to fish… (she did it herself!)