Dad and I just returned from Lichfield. The Cartmills picked us up Monday morning at 8 am in their big, comfortable Lincoln and welcomed huge trunk. We stopped for breakfast in Conyers then arrived at the Bards in Lichfield about 4 pm. Gorgeous day in the 70’s. Nina and Bill are absolutely wonderful hosts. Nina had prepared lots of food at home, been to the grocery store and we only ate out one time. The meals she prepared were far better than the restaurant, though it was good, too. She fixed a great breakfast quiche with apples in it, sausage and cheese balls, chicken rotel casserole, shrimp alfredo (fresh huge shrimp and wonderful sauce), taco soup, and other delicious things. We didn’t eat all of this at one time, but spread it out over the 3 days.
Their condo is absolutely gorgeous and right on the beach. We expected it to be great, but it exceeded our expectations. The Cartmills went shopping to buy into one of these condos while we were there (does that sound familiar?). There are 11 families who purchased it and 2 of these families have 2 shares. The others get 4 weeks per year of use. They’ve owned condos together for the past 25 years. They bought this one in the last few years. I just wish you all could have been there to enjoy this. We rode bikes all through Lichfield by the Sea and it is some kind of beautiful. We played tennis twice. We walked the beach and hot tubbed several times. We played Mexican Train every day. Guess who won $5 the last night? Right. Me! That was the first time we had played for money. The very last hand, I used all 12 tiles the first time up and went out. That did them in! It was really funny. We should have taken a picture.
The only bad part was that Dad got sick on Wedesday and stayed in bed most of the day. He’s still not well, but he feels a whole lot better. Marshall was sick on Tuesday, but he got up Wednesday and was o.k. But, before Dad got sick, he rode bikes, beached and hot tubbed, so he had some fun. However, this morning he weighs what he weighed in college. I fixed him a big breakfast to fatten up his skinny body.
I’m gonna try to post a picture, but I have no pictures that could ever do justice to this place.
