The weekend

Thank goodness, Ted came over and helped me fix some lights on the tree and get it decorated. I could not have done it without him. We had to cut off all of the embedded lights on the top tier and wrap around some more lights, but it ended up working just fine. Ted made a cute arrangement of owls and canaries and enjoyed hanging his own cowbell from Thailand and his little cross stitched ornament I made him when he was at Vanderbilt. Also, he reminded me of the Russian egg he brought us from his Peace Corps days.

Friday morning I worked out at LA Fitness, then met my book club for lunch at a Polish restaurant in Norcross. We discussed our book selection, The Zookeepers Wife, a true story taking place in Poland during the Holocast. We really liked the restaurant and recommend it.

Friday night, I ushered for ASO Gospel Christmas at the Symphony with Mary Sydney and Anita. It was pretty good, but not my favorite Christmas program.

Saturday i went to a Widow’s Christmas cookie exchange and that was really a nice time, hosted by my friend, Brenda.

Sunday, I lectored and made the opening announcements at Mass, took communion to a sweet bed ridden lady, then started fooling with the Christmas tree. Sunday night, I attended a Women’s Club Advent program at Holy Cross. There were approximately 150 women there and it was a nice event. The Women’s Club furnished all of the finger food and the attendees set their tables and furnished their own wine. They had tons of door prizes, but I did not win one this time.

I have a pretty calm week this week, but lots of exciting things happening beginning next Sunday. I have 2 prospective buyers coming tomorrow to look at the house. Wouldn’t that be amazing if I got a contract? I’m ready to take it off the market!