Convert you Home Movies from VHS to DVD Part 2 suggests this product: Dazzle Multimedia DM-2200 Hollywood DV Bridge.
How Not To Get Sued by the RIAA
The bottom line on this article is to not share files on your PC that have copyrights. If everyone decids to stop sharing, then there will be nothing to download.
What we need is to be able to have restricted sharing among a close circle of friends and family. That mimics the historical (and fair use) way we have shared music, and will keep the members of RIAA in plenty of dough.
Extreme Mobility by Ray Ozzie
This is lengthy article (a.k.a. advertisement for Groove) but a good overview of the state of mobile computing with some nice Lotus history in the middle.
Cool camera metioned in article: EX-S3 Camera Page.
What Makes a Weblog a Weblog
Dave Winder hosts web logs at Harvard’s law school. He explores what makes up a weblog compared to other publishing formats…
Photo Blogging
MovableType is great for managing text-based blogs as well as a photo or two embedded in an article. Photo gallery management requires something more. TypePad has come up with a very clean, complimentary approach.
However, my goal is to manage our growing library of family photos over years and years using an approach that the whole family can use. Apple’s iPhoto has been an excellent way to gather, store, lightly edit, and arrange what is now a library of thousands of photos that we’ve accumulated over three years. I’ve read about performance concerns, but I think we are riding behind the curve of performance, so I’m happy. (Every night our iPhoto library, which is simply directories and jpg files, is backed up to our file server… don’t want to lose them.)
Because iPhoto lets us easily title, categorize, and group a photo and then add text comments, I want a web-gallery publishing solution that draws from that work. I don’t want to have to retype captions and titles.
iPhoto has a built in HTML export method, but it isn’t very flexible. If I don’t like the way text or buttons are positioned, I can’t do anything about it.
That’s where Drooling Cat’s BetterHTMLExport comes in. It integates with iPhoto and provides templates that you can use “out of the box” or tweak. There is a forum where you can get templates and share your own. It still feels like a work in progress, but it is functional and feels like the solution I’ll want to use for years to come.
ImageRodeo is an application that also has the template building/sharing concept. It has both the pros and cons of not being integrated with iPhoto. The pros are that you can work with digital photos from a variety of sources… not just iPhoto. However, the big drawback for me is that ImageRodeo does not read the photo titles and comments from the iPhoto library, so I have to retype them all.
It feels like there is not a tagging standard with digital photos like there is with mpg music files. Or if there is one, iPhoto and ImageRodeo are not talking using one. I prefer the ImageRodeo templates, but I’ll continue to use BetterHTMLExport because it picks up photo titles and comments.
CIA has flags
I was looking for a flag that has red, blue, and green. Found this resource….
CIA – The World Factbook 2002 — Flags of the World
Answer: Gambia
Most Recently Played
This little php script will display an iTunes play list on the fly. For example, this is our most Recently Played playlist.
Color Names
Here you go Kelly, color names that work in HTML…
Black | Silver | Gray | White |
Maroon | Red | Purple | Fuchsia |
Green | Lime | Olive | Yellow |
Navy | Blue | Teal | Aqua |
Call Me in Five Years
Registered our home and my cell phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry. It is good for five years. How am I supposed to remember that? Someone call me on 6/30/2008 and remind me to reregister.
As I watch Kelly compose her blogs, going back and forth to a Web Monkey color reference chart, so that she can color her text, I decided I needed to introduce her to a blogging tool. We have Kung-Log on the Mac side, but she does most of her blogging and e-mail at the Compaq.
The first tool listed on’s external resources list is w.bloggar. So I picked out that one.