Named Colors

The link below is to names that can be used in CSS instead of the cryptic numbers and most seem to work… (This is tomato on burlywood!)

non-AOL | Named CSS Colors

(How I did that up there:)

&lt SPAN STYLE=”background: burlywood; color: tomato”&gt The link below is to names that can be used in CSS instead of the cryptic numbers and most seem to work… (This is tomato on burlywood!) &lt /SPAN&gt

Long URLs can be a problem because they can be broken up in e-mail messages and quit working.

I wanted to send a MapQuest URL showing how close the Morton’s live to Chastain park. (They get to listen for free!)

Using, I can e-mail this:

Instead of this:

Not sure how long it will really last, but good enough for short-lived URL needs. Thanks to Bill Crane for this tip!