Combining External Scripts in Retrospect

Retrospect (backup software) comes with a number of external scripts. One I use to e-mail reports on backup success and failures. I needed to add another that would shut down a Domino server and then restart it after successful backups. The help files say: “If you need to run multiple scripts you will have to combine them.” So with that little clue, I spent time figuring out how to modify a DOS batch file. The secret ended up creating a series of “IF” statements up front that would identify the calling scripts (alternating weekly backup scripts) that needed to shut down the Domino server. My mods in bold….



REM Retrospect Email Notifier


REM A Retrospect external script to email reports for script executions.

REM Recipients and other required information for using this script are set

REM below in the “Email Group Properties”. If you are using Retrospect’s Backup

REM Server you need to schedule your email reports as detailed in the external

REM scripts read me.


REM Copyright 2000-2002 Dantz Development Corporation


REM ——– Begin Combined Script Switch (by Jeb) —————————-

REM Switch checking for a calling script for Domino shutdown procedure.

set scriptName=%2

set scriptName2={}

if {%scriptName%}=={“DominoMail1″} set scriptName2=”DominoMail”

if {%scriptName%}=={“DominoMail2″} set scriptName2=”DominoMail”

if {%scriptName%}=={“DominoMail3″} set scriptName2=”DominoMail”

if {%scriptName%}=={“DominoMail4″} set scriptName2=”DominoMail”

if {%scriptName2%}=={“DominoMail”} goto :BACKUPDOMINO

REM ——– Begin Email Group Properties ————————————-

REM You need to edit the following email group properties.

REM Put your mail server here

set kMailServer=”

REM Email address of the sender

set kMailSender=”[email protected]

REM To send mail to more than one person, enter the addresses separated by

REM semicolons, for example:

REM “name one;name two”

REM These recipients will get emails for all events

REM set kMainGroup=”name one;name two”

set kMainGroup=”[email protected]

REM These recipients will get emails only when fatal errors occur

set kFatalErrorGroup=””

REM These recipients will get emails when there is no fatal error

set kSuccessGroup=””

REM These recipients will get emails only when Retrospect needs new media

set kMediaRequestGroup=””

REM The following is the time at which the MediaRequest message is sent.

REM The time unit must be in 5 minute increments and the minimum value is 5 minutes.

set MediaRequestNotificationTime=”5″

REM ——– End of Email Group Properites ————————————

REM Set up the temporary file names for each type of report

set stdReport=RetroStdReport.txt

set BUSFileName=RetroBUSfile.txt

set tempFile=RetroTemp.txt

set mailLog=mailerr.txt

set dantzHeader=Report generated by Retrospect.

set lineDelim=————————

REM The following code branches to the procedure labels below, it should not be

REM modified.

If NOT {%1}=={} goto :ENDMSG

Echo This is a Retrospect external script to email reports for script executions.

Echo Recipients and other required information for using this script are set

Echo by editing this file in the “Email Group Properties” section.

Echo To use this file, copy it to the Retrospect directory.


goto :EXIT


If NOT {%kMailServer%}=={“”} goto :ENDWARNING

Echo You must first set the name of your mail server and other

Echo required information for using this script by editing the

Echo “Email Group Properties” section located in this file.


goto :EXIT



set _PROC=%1


goto :%_PROC%

REM — Begin StartApp ———————————————————


REM Clear the temporary email files if the power went off

if Exist %stdReport% del %stdReport%

if Exist %BUSFileName% del %BUSFileName%

if Exist %tempFile% del %tempFile%

goto :EXIT

REM — End StartApp ———————————————————–

REM — Begin StartScript ——————————————————


set scriptName=%1

set startDate=%2

if EXIST %BUSFileName% goto :end_StartScript REM skip Backup Server scripts

echo %dantzHeader% > %stdReport%

echo %lineDelim% >> %stdReport%

echo Script %scriptName% started on %startDate%. >> %stdReport%

echo %lineDelim% >> %stdReport%


goto :EXIT

REM — End StartScript ——————————————————–

REM — Begin EndScript ——————————————————–


set scriptName=%1

set numErrors=%2

set fatalErrCode=%3

set fatalErrMsg=%4

REM Successful script execution will dispatch the regular report

REM to the kMainGroup and kSuccessGroup user groups.

if EXIST %BUSFileName% goto :EXIT

if NOT %fatalErrCode%==”0″ goto :error_EndScript

if %numErrors%==”0″ set errMsg=successfully

if %numErrors%==”1″ set errMsg=with 1 error

if {“%errMsg%”}=={“”} set errMsg=with %numErrors% errors

set mailSubject=”Retrospect: Execution completed %errMsg%”

echo %lineDelim% >> %stdReport%

echo Script %scriptName% finished %errMsg%. >> %stdReport%

echo %lineDelim% >> %stdReport%

mailsndr %kMailServer% %mailSubject% %kMailSender% -t %kMainGroup%;%kSuccessGroup% -e %mailLog% %stdReport%

goto :end_EndScript


set mailSubject=”Retrospect script finished with errors”

echo Script %scriptName% finished with errors. >> %stdReport%

echo Error code %fatalErrCode% %fatalErrMsg%. >> %stdReport%

mailsndr %kMailServer% %mailSubject% %kMailSender% -t %kMainGroup%;%kFatalErrorGroup% -e %mailLog% %stdReport%


del %stdReport%

goto :EXIT

REM — End EndScript ———————————————————-

REM — Begin StartBackupServer ————————————————


set startDate=%1

echo %dantzHeader% > %BUSFileName%

echo %lineDelim% >> %BUSFileName%

echo Backup Server started on %startDate%. >> %BUSFileName%

echo %lineDelim% >> %BUSFileName%

goto :EXIT

REM — End StartBackupServer ————————————————–

REM — Begin StopBackupServer ————————————————-


set endDate=%1

echo %lineDelim% >> %BUSFileName%

echo Backup Server stopped on %endDate%.>> %BUSFileName%


del %BUSFileName%

goto :EXIT

REM — End StopBackupServer —————————————————

REM — Begin SendBUSReport —————————————————-


REM The PATH variable doesn’t contain the path to the mailsndr.exe when run under

REM the AT command so we pass it in and set the current directory to it here.

if NOT {%1}=={} chdir /d %1

REM Drop into normal SendBUSReport


if NOT EXIST %BUSFileName% goto :EXIT

set mailSubject=”Retrospect: Backup Server Report”

mailsndr %kMailServer% %mailSubject% %kMailSender% -t %kMainGroup% -e %mailLog% %BUSFileName%

REM Reset the file

echo %dantzHeader% > %BUSFileName%

echo %lineDelim% >> %BUSFileName%

echo Retrospect Backup Report >> %BUSFileName%

echo %lineDelim% >> %BUSFileName%

goto :EXIT

REM — End SendBUSReport ——————————————————

REM — Begin EndSource ——————————————————–


set scriptName=%1


set sourceName=%1


set sourcePath=%1


set clientName=%1


set kbBackedUp=%1


set numFiles=%1


set duration=%1


set sourceStart=%1


set sourceEnd=%1


set scriptStart=%1


set backupSet=%1


set backupAction=%1


set parentVol=%1


set numErrs=%1


set fatalErrCode=%1


set fatalErrMsg=%1

REM Log that we sent a media request in the current report

set logFile=%stdReport%

if EXIST %BUSFileName% set logFile=%BUSFileName%

if NOT %fatalErrCode%==”0″ goto :EndSrcElse

if NOT %numErrs%==”0″ set errMsg= with %numErrs% errors

if %numErrs%==”1″ set errMsg= with 1 error

echo Script %scriptName% finished a %backupAction% backup to %backupSet% on %sourceEnd%>> %logFile%

echo %numFiles% files (%kbBackedUp% KB) on %sourceName% were backed up in %duration% seconds. >> %logFile%

echo . >> %logFile%

goto :EndSrcIf


echo Script %ScriptName% failed to backup volume %sourceName% >> %logFile%

echo with error %fatalErrCode% – %fatalErrMsg%. >> %logFile%


goto :EXIT

REM — End EndSource ———————————————————-

REM — begin MediaRequest —————————————————–


set mediaLabel=%1

set mediaName=%2

set mediaIsKnown=%3

set timeWaited=%4

if NOT %timeWaited%==%MediaRequestNotificationTime% goto :end_MediaRequest

REM Log that we sent a media request in the current report

set logFile=%stdReport%

if EXIST %BUSFileName% set logFile=%BUSFileName%

echo %dantzHeader% > %tempFile%

echo %lineDelim% >> %tempFile%

echo Retrospect needs media %mediaName% (%mediaLabel%). >> %tempFile%

if {%mediaIsKnown%}=={“true”} goto :Known_MediaRequest

echo This is either a new or unknown media. >> %tempFile%

goto :end_knownMediaRequest


echo Retrospect has backed up to this media before. >> %tempFile%


echo Retrospect has waited %timeWaited% minutes. >> %tempFile%

echo %lineDelim% >> %tempFile%

REM send it to the main and kMediaRequestGroup

mailsndr %kMailServer% “Retrospect: MediaRequest” %kMailSender% -t %kMediaRequestGroup%;%kMainGroup% -e %mailLog% %tempFile%

REM log message

cat %tempFile% >> %logFile%

del %tempFile%


goto :EXIT

REM — End MediaRequest ——————————————————-

REM — Begin TimedOutMediaRequest ———————————————


set mediaLabel=%1

set mediaName=%2

set mediaIsKnown=%3

set waited=%4

REM Log that we sent a media request in the current report

set logFile=%stdReport%

if EXIST %BUSFileName% set logFile=%BUSFileName%

set mailSubject=”Retrospect media request timed out”

echo %dantzHeader% > %tempFile%

echo %lineDelim% >> %tempFile%

echo Media request for media %mediaName% (%mediaLabel%) timed out before script could finish. >> %tempFile%

mailsndr %kMailServer% %mailSubject% %kMailSender% -t %kMediaRequestGroup%;%kMainGroup% -e %mailLog% %tempFile%

REM log message

cat %tempFile% >> %logFile%

del %tempFile%

goto :EXIT

REM — End TimeOutMediaRequest ————————————————

REM — Begin FatalBackupError ————————————————-


set scriptName=%1

set failureCause=%2

set errCode=%3

set errMsg=%4

set errZone=%5

REM Log that we sent a media request in the current report

set logFile=%stdReport%

if EXIST %BUSFileName% set logFile=%BUSFileName%

set mailSubject=”Retrospect Fatal Backup Error”

echo Script %scriptName% failed with error code %errCode% – %errMsg% in %errZone%. > %tempFile%

mailsndr %kMailServer% %mailSubject% %kMailSender% -t %kMainGroup%;%kFatalErrorGroup% -e %mailLog% %tempFile%

REM log message

cat %tempFile% >> %logFile%

del %tempFile%

goto :EXIT

REM — End FatalBackupError —————————————————

REM unused procedure tags








@echo off



REM Retrospect Event Handler – Lotus Domino Server


REM This batch file will stop a Lotus Domino server running as a

REM service when a Retrospect script named “Backup Domino” is run. It will

REM restart the server after the script is finished.


REM The service defined in this script must match the service name in

REM the services control panel.


REM Copyright 2000 Dantz Development Corporation


REM The following code branches to the procedure labels below, it should not be

REM modified.

If NOT {%1}=={} goto :ENDMSG

echo This batch file will stop a Lotus Domino server running as a

echo service when a Retrospect script named “Backup Domino” is run.

echo It will restart the Domino Server after the script is finished.

echo To use this file, copy it to the Retrospect directory.

REM pause



if {%1}=={} goto :RETURN_OK

set _PROC=%1


goto :%_PROC%

REM — Begin StartSource——————————————————


set scriptName=%1

REM scriptName can be edited to match script names in Retrospect.

if {%scriptName2%}=={“DominoMail“} call :STOP_DOMINO_SERVER

goto :RETURN_OK REM — End StartSource

REM —————————————————————————

REM — Begin EndSource ——————————————————–


set scriptName=%1

if {%scriptName2%}=={“DominoMail“} call :START_DOMINO_SERVER

goto :RETURN_OK REM — End EndSource

REM —————————————————————————

REM Stop the Domino Server by stopping the service.

REM Domino Server must be running as a service.


REM Stop the Domino Server.

echo Stopping Domino Server

REM Service name must exactly match the service you are stopping.

net stop “Lotus Domino Server”


REM Start the Domino server


echo Starting Domino Server

REM Service name must exactly match the service you are starting.

net start “Lotus Domino Server”


REM stub procedure tags














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