PerfLib Error with PCAnywhere

These two errors are hitting every two minute on Yoda and Gandalf, filling up the Event Application Log:

Source: PCAnywhere

The description for Event ID ( 2001 ) in Source ( pcAnywhere ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The following information is part of the event: The event log file is corrupt..

Source: PerfLib

The Open Procedure for service “pcAnywhere” in DLL “D:\Program Files\Symantec\pcAnywhere\PcaPerfCtrs.dll” failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. Status code returned is data DWORD 0.

Suggestion to turn off Perf

Document from Symantec

After doing that, new warnings came up as described here:

267831 – Event ID 2003 Warning Message Logged When Loading Performance Counters

Search Me Update 12-9-2003

The search engines are visiting and indexing the blogs and other pages. People searching for things in Google, etc., are being directed to our pages. The search words show up in this Search Query Report.

engine: teoma

search phrase: cow skull

found: Kelly’s photo of cow skull at Grandpa’s

engine: yahoo

search phrase: Commercial Electric Compact Fluorescents

found: getting replacement bulb

engine: google

search phrase: somewhere over the rainbow chords piano

found: Greg’s recommendation of Harmony Central chord website

engine: yahoo (United Kingdom)

search phrase: cd goldfish mno goldfish

found: Carol’s comment on Ted’s ipod posting


search phrase: found a small cyst on my three year old’s head on left side what is this

found: Clyde’s surgery photo… last paragraph on Kelly’s birthday.

Poor lady.

Music Library

Took me a while to figure out how to share my iTunes music library over the web, but to have it password protected. (Don’t want to be a pirate, so I’m limiting listening to family.) My iTunes library is on a second volume. Had to set up an alias in the http config file and switch AllowOveride from None to All. This allowed an .httpaccess file in the music library directory to control access.

Alias /tunes “/volumes/Disk2/tunes”

<Directory “/volumes/Disk2/tunes”>

Options Indexes MultiViews

AllowOverride All <— was set to none in template

Order allow,deny

Allow from all


Now playing: A Pirate Looks At Forty by Jimmy Buffet

Restarting Apache on OS X

Tip about restarting Apache on OS X….

About the Apache Web Server

Needed to have http.config changes become effective.

Do this:

[mac:~] root# apachectl stop

/usr/sbin/apachectl stop: httpd stopped

[mac:~] root# apachectl start

Processing config directory: /private/etc/httpd/users

Processing config file: /private/etc/httpd/users/Cashel.conf

Processing config file: /private/etc/httpd/users/mcc.conf

Processing config file: /private/etc/httpd/users/ted.conf

/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd started

[mac:~] root#

Lotus R6 Upgrade Path

IBM Redbook:

Section 4.3

Recommended upgrade path

1. Upgrade the Administration server and Administrator clients.

2. Upgrade the Domino Directory.

3. Upgrade Hub servers.

4. Upgrade Mail servers.

5. Upgrade Application severs.

6. Upgrade Notes clients.

7. Upgrade applications and databases.

8. Upgrade to the new ODS.

9. Steady state (performance tuning and optimizing your environment).

10. Utilization of new features.

I answered “no” to the update directory to R6 question when R6 server first started (should have answered yes.) So I followed the manual instructions (which can be done before upgrading server… but I did it after). With server down, I replaced the design with the new pubnames.ntf. Still down, used this DOS command:

>\data directory\nupdall -R names.nsf (for win32 platform)

Only the manual is wrong… should say \app directory\nupdall…

d:\lotus\domino\nupdall -R names.

12/13/2003 03:03:13 PM Index update process started

12/13/2003 03:03:13 PM Updating views in e:\Lotus\Domino\Data\names.nsf

Section 7.4.1 on mail upgrade:

tell router quit (disable mail routing while files upgrade)

load convert -u mail\bjones StdR50mail mail6.ntf

where the -u switch upgrades folders

iTunes Windows CDDB Fix

[iTunes CDDB Fix!] – iPodlounge Forums Archive

The following was found in the Apple iTunes Dicussion Forum:

I’ve got an email from technical support which says:

I wanted to follow up with you on your trouble with CDDB getting track

names. Can you tell me what is in your registry for


Does deleting this registry key and relaunching iTunes fix the problem?

Removing 2.0 and leaving 1.0 solved the CDDB track lookup problem on my Dell W2K laptop. I suspect there is a conflict between iTunes and Windows Media player or WinAmp (which were also on my Dell) –Jeb