Bob and I went to a wedding Saturday night. The wedding was outside on the grounds of a new home (just completed that week)built on a lake in Winter Haven. The couple who owns the new house lived in a shack next door while it was being built. The shack has a tin roof which is almost completely covered by blue tarp because of hurricane damage. Under the tarp the roof is definetly rusted.
Inside the shack are 2 dogs. One is a large muttly dog. The other is a large hog dog. Hog dogs are popular around here.
The muttly dog is named Jeb. The hog dog is Teddy. I asked if they had a dog named Grant, but no such coincidence.
I’ve never heard of a hog dog. Is it a pit bull? And these are friends of yours who own one and lived in a shack?
I started to search for a site to see a hog dog to show you one, but it was too scary.
These were Bob’s friends first.