A house burned down in our neighborhood today. Eric came home from school at 1:30 and the police were blocking the entrance to the neighborhood. He could see emergency vehicles and fire trucks, police cars and ambulances up the street. I was at Andrew’s school serving lunch and had no idea there was a problem in the neighborhood.
Eric called my cell phone to ask what he should do. He is not allowed to drive anywhere but to school and work. I told him to go to the library or some where else until I could get home.
As it turned out a house in the neighborhood was burning up. Bob looked it up online and the local news channel had it coverd. There were helicopters flying by and news trucks on the street.
Later in the day after everyone left, Eric and I took the dogs down the street to see the damage. It was bad. The house was a shell (5000 sq. feet 2 story) with the columns in the front fallen into the smoldering rubble. Smoke was still coming out of the debris. The strangest thing was the sizzling sounds coming from the house.
The reasons for this fire remain to be disclosed. It doesn’t look good.