Dr. Thing-a-ma-Bob

Bob was selected to participate in Leadership Lakeland this past year. There are around 30 people selected every year by a panel of judges. You have to write a paper and fill out an application. This program is sponsered by the Chamber of Commerce. They take 1 day a month to tour various businesses and establishments in Lakeland. They went everywhere from the dump to the jail to the hospital and more.

At the end of the year they have to put on a play which has been called “The Thing” for years I guess. Bob got all into this. He was the star, Dr. Thing-a-ma-Bob. He got to wear a Dr. coat and stethascope. He was very funny. He got lots of laughs. He had Eric get a video clip of a computer fighter plane game that he hooked up with an actual heart surgery video and made it look like he was using the equipment to play a game while he was conducting surgery. All the participants looked like they enjoyed it. I think Bob’s favorite part was getting to pretend he was a doctor for a while.

3 thoughts on “Dr. Thing-a-ma-Bob”

  1. I’m glad Dad’s heart doctor is not named Dr. Thing-A-Ma-Bob, but otherwise this sounds hilarious. Any still photos we can post? Or maybe a mini-movie?

  2. Do you think you could show me, Mary Sydney, Diana and Phyllis that film Tuesday when we come to lunch?

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