This morning Radar put his front paws up by Andrew’s face and sniffed him to wake him up. I guess he pawed at his face at the same time because Andrew woke up with a hoarse “auuugghhh”! I knew I was in for a treat.
Andrew said, in a loud whiney voice, that Radar scratched him. He continued to complain about his throa,t and he was sick, and he can’t go to school, blah blah blah.
I told him that it was too bad because we would have to cancel our Cub Scout meeting and our Rescue Mission. Of course he calmed down a little and asked “rescue mission?”.
So today Andew went to school. I’m heading up there in a little while with stuff to make trail mix, bandanas to make knapsacks, rope to rescue scouts who fall off the trail when I tell them to, gauze to cover their pretend cuts and then bandage with the bandanas.
Maybe they will be future Red Cross volunteers.