Bathroom: Day 4

This morning the sheetrock guy showed up while I was taking the dogs for a walk.

When I got home there were two Latino guys on my front steps. I asked them where their car was and they said they rode the subway. I said “Me too, but I drove from the station.” I even showed them my MARTA card. I asked if they wanted a ride to MARTA. But since MARTA means something in Spanish, I don’t think they knew what I was talking about. Turns out they spoke very little English. Maybe they were actually telling me where they got lunch when they said “Subway.” They did communicate that their cell phone wasn’t working so I let them use mine and they called Miguel. He was there a few minutes later. We all went in and looked at the day’s work.

All of the sheetrock was in place and the tile was all up and grouted. It looks really good and they tiled up higher than it was before, all the way above the showerhead, so once again exceeding expectations since I wasn’t sure they would do that. There is still some work to do sealing around the showerhead and handles and adding fixtures. Plus I’m not sure when I will paint, though it seems like it would be best to paint before everything goes back in. They can do what they want because Susan went out of town until next week and, rather than keep her dogs in a construction zone, I just moved in to her house.

Shower Toilet

Previously: Day 3

Next: Day 5

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